My ESL Part I
>> Sunday, December 03, 2006
Madam Kero & Khun Nai Mayes...
I want to update my blog more often, but my mind has been a blank the last four days or so. Last night while I was visiting Madam Kero's blog, I came accross Khun Nai JJ's comments and the line "English Learning" got me. Now I have something to write about. Hey, Madam Kero and Khun Nai Mayes, thank you to the both of you for unintentionally giving me a subject to write about. You both rock!! Now let’s talk about learning English as a second language (ESL) shall we?
My Thoughts…
How long have you guys been learning English? As for me, I have been studying English in earnest on my own for about three years. To be able to communicate in a foreign language is more than a pleasure. I personally, love the English language, I like to speak English. It is pleasant to make the sounds of English. I find it fascinating to imitate the pronunciation of a native English speaker. Unfortunately, learning English is not something that can be done overnight. It takes time and effort plus some money to buy English learning materials when I have to do the learning on my own. From my experience, studying on my own can be fun, but it is also can be difficult when I have no one to share my learning with. Apart from that, it is hard to motivate myself when I don’t know how much progress I have made. I some times feel like I am in the same spot, no matter how hard I practice. Many times I get disappointed and discouraged, but I never give up.
This VDO is hilarious don't miss it if you are an English Learner!
You write in English very well kha K.Jo. Since I never speak to you in person, I'm not sure how well your spoken English is ;) But I'm willing to bet that you speak English just as well as you write. It's pretty amazing that you had only been studying English intensively for three years. The quality of your writings makes it seems like you've been using English for a long time. I think you'll be surprise at the number of native English speakers who cannot speak or write English as well as you do. Learning second (or third, and so forth) language definitely requires a lot of practice. Constant usage is very important just like an old saying "use it or lose it." So keep up the good work na kha, and let me know if I can be of good help in practicing. :)
K Rose ja..thank you very much for your kind comment. Just so you know, everytime I read your posts in English I always learn new words and phrases from what you wrote. You are my secret teacher, I think you should know that...;) Trust me, you do me a BIG favor everytime you write. Thank you to you once again ka. :)
It’s another beautiful feature that Ramani provided this time. Well, I had thought of trying it out, but was unsuccessful due to lack of Knowledge. This article explains why you must show the latest 5 comment in your sidebar and how to use it effectively.
testing again
Hey do you like beta version so far?
I hate the Beta so far. It's ruined my blog and I can't undo it. Now I'm having trouble with Atom keeps telling me "Invalid request URL" (sigh!) All I can tell you is that I'm sick of the headaches since I switched to well. :) That's it for today...Gotta run again!!
เอ ดูไปดูมาเจ้าหมา "ใวไฟ" (Wi-Fi haha!) ตัวนี้ก็น่ารักดีนะ Made In America อีกนั่น เข้ามาป่วนเจ้าของบลอกตอนดึกไปงั้นแหละ
After hearing yours and other people's struggle with beta blues, I'm still feeling uneasy about switching to beta. I personally love to hard code the stuff into my blog template, so I don't know if beta will give me too much trouble since it requires you to mess around with widget and stuff. The main reason I switch to Blogspot from MSN Live in the first place is to be able to customize my space more. After MSN launched their beta version called MSN Live, updating my blog had became too troublesome, so I just left there to find a new home. I think I will hold out on switching to beta until I'm more familiar with the new coding process.
Hi Joly ,K.Rose ...K.Noi
I am a who one broken english...I know thats but as Joly said "I never give up!!..." I love to to write even thought I cant excerlence on it...but I trying ..I had have learn from you 'Joly, K.Rose, Kero, learn from the book, TV.. music and a peoples here...and ofcoruse from my hubby...thank you to know your guys...
Yeah..a lot of a hassle jing jing kha K Rose. It will be nice when it has all the bugs worked out, but for now if you have a limited time to surf on the net, I advise against switching your current, old Blogger style blog to it. There are a lot of people out there in Blogger land (including me) that have done it and wished that they could go back to the old version, which is not possible. You can revert to your old classic template anytime, ofcourse, but you defenitely cannot go back to Blogger basic version (old version).
JJ I admire your courage in deciding to take control of your English. Remember my friend "Where there is a will there is a way". The more you practice the more fluent you will become. I practice it everyday as well. We are in the same road ja. soo! soo! :)
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