My Garden!
>> Wednesday, August 30, 2006
I am enjoying the tomatoes and hot peppers from my wonderful small garden tremendously at the moment!! Just want to tell you that I am so very proud of it today!! Boy! I am such a happy camper YAHOO!!
I planted 6 hot pepper plants and 4 tomato plants about two months or so ago.
I used some of tomatoes and hot peppers for my "rutabaga and speghetti salad" last night (it's my own recipe by the way)..
And it was delicious!!
That's all I really wanted to say hehe.. Later!
P.S. This song has nothing to do with my garden, I put it here just because I like it... ..just so you know ( in case you think I am crazy)...
You Asked For It...
Rutabaga's picture...
Rutabagas are commonly known as table turnips or swedes. They have longer necks; the leaves have more bloom and are bluish in color; and they require about one month longer to develop than turnips.